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Does diet soda give you cancer -

21-12-2016 à 20:55:45
Does diet soda give you cancer
We changed doctors but had the hip biopsy done (it was breast cancer). I had 15 rounds of chemo and opted out of the 16th and final round. The most famous mountain waters in the world, waters renowned for their healing properties, are highly alkaline. they are not working. We were looking at trying a non-animal sourced lipase and these all appear to be derived from Aspergillus niger. GET YOUR ANOINTING WATER FROM TB JOSHAU Tb joshua ministries anointing water, get yours now i think the anointed water is like anointed hand. 0 to 7. Well, I hope I helped and I hope people the best. I had stage 2 cancer and am free and clear of cancer and i did not take Chemo, but i still went to the doctors, and had the surgery to remove the skin cancer and even when they took out a lymph note it was negative. The colon may be unique to treating cancers elsewhere in the body. It put me in the hospital so many times, plus chemo causes cancer. I guess i can honestly say i never believe this stuff you read on the internet but this time it worked. These all led to my moms depression and not taking care of her health and all. Staying within this range dramatically increases our ability to resist acute illnesses like colds and flues as well as the onset of cancer and other diseases. (NHL, HL, Lymphomas). I have access to a blood gas analizer, steril Sodium Bicarbonate. So here is our plan: 1) Upon waking, do testosterone cream plus baking soda drink 2) An hour later, eat and take supplements, and just in case stomach acid is still too alkaline to absorb nutrients, drink down supplements and eat food with Apple Cider Vinegar or lemon in water. When taken orally with water, especially water with high magnesium content, and when used transdermally in medicinal baths, sodium bicarbonate becomes a first-line medicinal for the treatment of cancer, kidney disease, diabetes, influenza and even the common cold. If pH consistently stays over 7. our Dr. Fiztslona I can tell how i got better but it would be to long. I told him we would like to continue our natural cure but asked for his help in the monitoring. This bundle includes the Sodium Bicarbonate and Natural Oncology eBooks. I just add a small amount of citric acid. 0 or 9. So please read our website in full and you will find that most of the chapters in all of the books are posted here for all to see for free. Fill up your plate with these 12 healthy holiday party foods. Mom follows the baking soda and Gerson juicing religiously. So can any one tell me why it did not work for me. Hospital makeover provides oasis of calm for parents of sick children. It was painful and I have so much damage from it. Sodium bicarbonate happens to be one of our most useful medicines as it treats the basic acid-alkaline axis of human physiology. Subscribe to Dr Sircus newletter and receive for free an ebook and introductory articles that will guide you through his protocol and the medicinals that compose it. Sircus has an entire protocol of a number of things that may help you. I follower the procedure very correctly each time for the 10 days, holding the PH each day at 8. Many lists online. The really neat thing is the sodium citrate is metabolized back into sodium bicarbonate again in the body (see ), Thus the entire drink becomes a systemic alkalizer. Conversely, if you raise the pH of the lake (make it more alkaline), oxygen is now available and the lake comes back to life. ALA heps with the break down of sugar for the production of ATP the fuel produced by the cells to run the body, without adequate ALA cells cannot utilize energy and will eventually shut down. NICU babies dressed as holiday gifts help families celebrate the season. There is much here for cancer treatment and overcoming the risks. Tatiana, A urine pH of 11 can be indicative of a variety of problems, it could be the result of attemptinng to deal with an overly acidic body, could indicate kidney stones or other kidney problems etc. She has done very well with the alt. 45 pH range in the tightly controlled blood can signal potentially serious and dangerous symptoms or states of disease. Please let me know if I can be of further help. The technology behind this is well researched and has been around for decades. If you can afford it discuss with Gerzon institute if they can help you ( as chemo is not advisable as it cause cancer). You can read about all of these and more in Dr. The effects occurs within 5 years of the treatment. Please choose from the options here: Once you have made payment for your choice you will be contacted by Imva Support to set up an appointment. Tumors still growing, surgery has been changed to next week the 18th. Be the Match: How a cotton swab is helping save tens of thousands of lives. And two years before my moms cancer revelation She lost her husband my dad who also went through prolong illness COMA due to cardiac arrest. Combine that with what we know about hydrogen ions and we see that the more acid the blood (the lower its pH), the less oxygen is available for use by the cells. 5. But one thing you can look into that is way better treatment than chemo is Ozone Therapy. Call his office and get some advice on this approach. 5-8—depending on how acid forming your diet is. It also has to do with how bicarbonates are produced in the body. It is also a powerful buffer against radiation exposure, so everyone should be up to speed on its use. The cure was the comment above, READ YOUR BIBLE, the WORDS are LIFE for those who find it. I have been taking an AI, Arimidex, but have recently stopped taking it due to the SE of the meds. I am young. Statics show that most chemo patients (about 97%) are hit with cancer more aggressively the second time around due to damage caused in the body by radiation and chemo. I am cancer free at this point and plan to stay that way. Sircus for an in depth recommendation for you. Dear Sheila, Perhaps this essay will make more sense for you: Keep in mind that it is not drinking sodium bicarbonatee alone that will cause the change in pH. 3 stop the baking soda and resume once pH drops back down below 6. My Son CJ was diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome when he was 11 months old. How Dwayne Johnson helped this woman drop 115 pounds. Please check your pH every day and deal with the root cause of your digestive problems and use the bicarbonate to jump start getting more alkaline in general. Now, in the beginning of November 2016 I had another CT Scan. That is up to you to make a decision as well as discuss it with your doctor. Follow package directions and do not exceed maximum recommendations. Jaye, there is no specified amount of sodium bicarbonate that should be taken daily. These five spots are especially contaminated and should be avoided if possible. Get the pH down to 7. Subscribe to Dr Sircus newletter and receive for free an ebook and introductory articles that will guide you through his protocol and the medicinals that compose it. Eliminate high glycemic foods. When Jamie Lanigan realized she needed to lose weight, she had no idea her new job would help. Tell us what you would give up for 10 days. Michael, how did the Nov. Janie, I empathize with this kind of timing problem. Drinking magnesium bicarbonate water will be effective for long term use and can be used as your regular drinking water. I stumbled across this page whilst researching the impact of baking soda on cancer, because there are so many opposite opinions and argumentation, it is hard to stay objective (especially when not trained in the medicine field). Woman loses 145 pounds with these 5 simple steps. How Dwayne Johnson helped this woman drop 115 pounds. I was diagnosed of Non Hodgkin Lymphoma Cancer (follicular cancer) in 2011, i was admitted in the hospital for treatment, i received chemotherapy for several months, and in 2012 tests came out negative, means they have not detected any cancerous cells in my body. So I feel my experience might add to the discussion. The body needs sodium just as it needs other minerals. The chemistry of the process is EXACTLY WHAT I CANNOT FIND in your article, or any other that addresses the issue of acid base balance on the body. Like chemo it is an oxidizing treatment but it is selective with no side effects and does not poison the body. I used 35% food grade peroxide to burn off the basal cell and I went through chemo with the blood cancer ( B cell ). Chronic over-acidity corrodes body tissue, and if left unchecked will interrupt all cellular activities and functions. benign tumors grow in my knee and behind it. The 4 germiest spots in your office and how often to clean them. In other words, over-acidity interferes with life itself. I was not taking any medications nor did i receive any chemotherapy. There are articles by a Italian oncologist Dr. As I have started giving my mom 1tbsp Baking Soda with 3tbsp of Maple Syrup (drink) once in morning and once before going to bed. I have been free for the last 13 years now. 45, the higher our level of health and wellbeing. Also, mom no longer has shoulder or hip pain. Sircus describes ph and testing in his sodium bicarbonate book. Poultry consumption highly correlated with B-cell cancers, penis cancers, diary workers. The closer the pH is to 7. Since it is not possible for him to lay hand on everybody let him send us anointed water. Yes, it will be to your benefit to stay more alkaline but you also need to keep an adequate store of nutrients. The 1 thing you should do before every holiday party. We decided not to continue with the chemo treatment and let him have quality life with the window of life he has. In fact magnesium and potassium and other minerals can keep migraines away and keep blood pressure in line. But that surgery and radiation chemo all added to her body condition worsened she could not take solid foods any longer and she also faced speaking problem, due to facial reconstruction she also could not raise her right hand above shoulder. Now recent PET CT shows that cancer has recueent on same place and some suspection in colon and lungs also. The purpose iis to extract as much as possible. I recently discovered a lesion under my side-burn that was too large and irregular to be a normal mole, and I watched it for a couple of weeks, just long-enough to see it grow. It makes more sense to me, now that the cancer is gone, to just make sure I stay on the alkaline side to keep myself healthy. Pay the man what he deserves for his hard work. The protocol that works is to build up to 2 teaspoons of baking soda with 1 tea spoon of molasses or maple syrup in a cup of water three times a day. Normally pH should remain ideally around 7. He would be extremely sick if it were so. Excercise, I work outside (am a zoo keeper) so pleanty of sun and fresh air. Dear Ivona, So sorry to hear this, especially since you are doing so many of the right things. 5. He said just buy Red Yeast Rice as that is what its made from. Sorry we cannot answer this as we do not know what the risk is but it makes sense to be cautious if she is sensitive to aspergillis. 0 range before taking baking soda or take less and hold it in the proper area. Recently there was a report that apple juices contained arsenic. It only kills cancer cells and helps other cells get better through oxygen. How often do you get your bare feet on earth. Take one lemon cut into four pieces, add one cup of water, boil it till half a cup left or half a cup evaporate. 14 results come back. Do you have a Debbie Downer in your life. Keeping our pH within a healthy range also involves necessary lifestyle and dietary changes that will protect us over the long term while the use of sodium bicarbonate gives us a jump-start toward increased alkalinity. No, baking soda is useless for cancer and anything else. My body brokedown now I have Rhumatiod arthritis, osteopenia, asthma and lung disease and have recently been diagnosed with CIN 2. Learn how to treat yourself and your loved ones safely at home. One does not have to be a doctor to practice pH medicine. The ball-park number I get is about 2. Dr. I told mom at the rate the CA count is dropping we should be below 30 in a couple of more weeks. SO, I was driven in to the hands of the Allopaths. 3) An hour later, take thyroid meds with an acid in the drink. Have you tried contacting Doug Kaufman from Know the Cause. Woman loses 145 pounds with these 5 simple steps. Any advice anyone can give is highly appreciated. My mom has Stomach Cancer (Pyloric part). Read the chapter on cautions in the sodium bicarbonate ebook. Pls Dr Sircus help and suggest me what to do. God bless. 35-7. In my opinion, whole, natural foods are better than extracts. I have gone through most of the traditional, recommended treatments: left side rad mastectomy with lymph node removal (2cm tumor, 1 node with 2mm extranodal extension). You have stated not to take it with food. I am not sure where you are at this stage. Dear Tammy, You need to purchase from almost any health food store or the Internet pH strips which you pass through urine, wait the time recommended and then match the color of the strip to a chart on the bottle. Keep pH as close to 7. Hello Maggie, Peanuts are generally associated with A fungus. I would think the Candida would happily grab up the honey out maple syrup. I was supposed to do 8 rounds, I could only do 3. Gout is a build up of uric acid and that causes pain. Hi I am a 43 yr old woman and had great heakth till last year and my hubby father of my two boys died. Are you in contact with animals. Every cell in our body requires oxygen for life and to maintain optimum health. Also if he is taking any iodine supplementation, that also needs to be taken apart from any other supplements that might interfere especially Vit. Its only good for cleaning your kitchen sink. I am taking care of her pH with pH strip daily after after she wakes up she takes her saliva and urine pH which shown little improvement. Later, i started buying the organic lemon juice from Costco and continued the same thing, which i am still taking it. Doctor said the number was off the chart and that the cancer has spread into bones, lungs and spleen. We met with the doctor and he wanted to start her on meds. He is available to take patients via his online clinic. That means that the more acid a liquid is, the less available the oxygen in it. He is more knowledgeable about these fungi and how they are used in our daily foods and medicines. Deviations above or below a 7. Aflatoxin is a mycotoxin with carcinogenic potency that is found in inferior peanut butter and other nut and dairy products. involving the prostate. Why people get shingles — and what to do about it. she has been gone through 25 Radiation and 4 chemo at same time. Sircus makes a lot of money with your responses most likely given not for free to people on. I also opted out of the recommended radiation treatment. The faster the cancer grows, the more acidic your body is. ALA, also protects the body from some of the harmful affects of radiation. If you want more immediate response to your particular situation you can obtain a consultation with Dr. However there may be some other things that can help you avoid surgery and you should consider a consultation with Dr. I suggest, please drink one or two cups of organic lemon juice, beside what you normaly take with Baking Powder. We have a follow up visit on Nov 16th and getting blood work done on the 14th. :Look up her books. Good luck. These pancakes are packed with protein to start your day right. Please let me know if I can be of further help. Long term use of baking soda unless in very small amounts can do damage to digestive processes and may cause folic acid deficiencies. What about drinking alkaline water with ph 11. Any way I am now ealing with ACC which is rare. 2) it would be advised to keep the sugar very low, but sugar supplies other (good) functions in the body.

You can get a basic idea of his protocol by reading this essay. 2 PSA it had risen to 95. 3 as you can. The pH scale is like a thermometer showing increases and decreases in the acid and alkaline content of fluids. Most sufferers of gout are found to be magnesium deficient so increasing magensium would be essential. It really depends on what you want to accomplish and amounts per day are guided by checking your pH on a daily basis. Hospital makeover provides oasis of calm for parents of sick children. So for the time being I have said to the doctor that we will go for Chemo. 5 to 9, for the last 5 days. My mother is a diagonised case of collecting duct carcinoma. My name is Jim Everman, I had a PSA of 87 and Gleason score of 9, So I did the baking soda and molasses cure for the period of 10 days then skipped 1 week then did the same cure again for another 10 days, finishing just 2 days before my PSA test I was to have on Dec 2 2015. Sircus for an in depth recommendation for you. Oxalic acid is a mycotoxin that can be produced by a number of different fungal species. Doctors were amazed to see the results because there were no cancerous cells in my body. Join 60,000 others in my newsletter and get a free ebook. No sugar. Hi Mandy, baking soda can only help and a number of other substances have reportedly assisted in removing the arsenic from our body. I bet that sugar will be left out of the protocol so as to starve healthy cells of the sugar they need. after that she feels very irritation in her mouth, according to doctor now she has stage 2 tongue cancer which is covering nearly her 60 percent of tongue. Tell us what you would give up for 10 days. Namely, in the mornings, he has to do testosterone cream, supplements, his baking soda drink, and thyroid meds (natural desiccated thyroid). You might do a search on this: enzymes that do not contain aspergillis. I have recently taken him to a homeopathic Doc which the others doctors frown on and he does cranial therapy 3 times a week and I have started him on juice plus for his nutrition and probiotics and I did talk to the doc about the PH thing but he is trying to research and see if we can do that with CJ cause he wants to be safe. Robert J. After 7 months it had spread to lungs and bones. adjust your amounts of baking soda according to these readings. I am however glad that this has not stopped with Simoncini and his controversies. Some doctors studying the phenomenon have found stunning consistencies. The GI tract is actually outside your body in a way and the colon needs an optimal microbiota with good bacteria to support health. When you express this to another person, the gesture also has a big effect on you. Retro,, Find the root cause of your intestinal problems. Long-term consumption of higher pH water should be reserved for special circumstances. Hello, I was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma on September 20, 2012. You can read about his protocol and about dosages in the ebook Treatment Essentials: Or you can choose a consultation with Dr. And you probably want to eat about at least a handful of apricot kernels a day, spread out throughout the day. ALA in the correct dosages has the ability to turn off bad genes or stop them from expressing themselves. They scare the hell out of you with their propaganda then you find out people have been using it safely in large quantities for nearly 200 years, and probably will have to again when antibiotics stop working. Cancer update, Baking soda, keeping my ph above 8, ip6 4 pills 3 times a day, apricote seeds, Pau d Arco, Essiac tea, Tumeric, massive vitamins, cancer diet, Graviola, 35% food grade peroxide, green foods, strickly raw veggies and carrots juiced, when I eat any fruit or veggies I also eat the seeds. Sircus admires but for which he has found a better method of treatment. Rather than let is get to 8. Do you think this protocol might be effective for benign tumors. I see that some people on the Internet are saying that there are enzymes properly filtered that do NOt have traces of aspergillis in them even though they were derived from aspergillis. What is the right dosage (baking soda,water and honey) for a colon cancer the has spread to the lungs. Dear Joie, So sorry to hear about your tremendous problems. 5. Am finally off predicolin but still on a few asthma preventatives. Hello Claudia, please confirm whether you mean Potassium or Sodium. That is because the cancer along with the insidious side effects of the toxins from chemo and radiation is still present in the body. Learn Dr Sircus protocol including dosages, methods, side effects and contra-indications. Dr. Every practitioner of the healing arts and every mother and father needs to understand how to use sodium bicarbonate. I drink baking soda once a day in the morning only, as it feels like an energy drink and take peanut butter with Turmeric once in the morning and once at night and i keep the tea tree oil on my tumor in the morning and at night, It reduced the tumor by 25% in 6 weeks and hoping to reduce it by 50% before i have it removed since its on my nose and close to my eye which will involved the tear duct. I have been on apricot seeds for years and I have a barley shake daily. Omega 3s also provide for proper EFA response. Garlic (sulphur), cacao (magnesium), brussels sprouts, broccoli, alkilizing baking soda, sunshine, massage. A zero fiber diet will make colon alkaline and favors bad bacteria. He had never heard of what we were doing, but said it seems to be working and agreed to use continuing. It has bee used successfully against cancer by taking advantage of its recency to concentrate iron. Hello i was diagnosed with sever skin cancer and have a tumor, i saw the baking soda on youtube but then also started using Turmeric which i first bought at the drug store in capsules. How many meq and at what rate of infusion is recommended. Use the baking soda short term, check pH daily but go by averages of a few days readings and not just one reading as our pH changes rapidly even in response to simple thoughts. I think the true cure lies in the b17, in the apricot kernels. He has then stop college as advised by the Oncologist. Last year in May my mom was diagnosed with Oral Cancer Buccal Mucosa. The doctor just said you are one lucky guy as your cancer is gone. I take red yeast rice and NO leg, hip or back pain. Apple pips contain the same substance as apricot kernels. 3 or at 8 if using sodium bicarbonate for cancer treatment, for a couple of weeks at a time, but generally not as high as 11. Your pH balance is now so far out of normal that you must go beyond normal in the other direction to counter it. I remember that my warts left no scabs when they disappeared. He is in the 1st year at University now. I also opted for a prophylactic right side mastectomy. I only did surgery with the breast, and melanoma. Most bad bacteria in colon thrive in an alkaline environment and good bacteria in acidic. You must read the book on sodium bicarbonate and follow the precautions. Nutrients including minerals are not properly absorbed or utilized if pH gets under about 5. I had to sign a waiver saying I would not sue if I came down with a distant cancer. The 4 germiest spots in your office and how often to clean them. 0 to 7. Another benefit of this therapy which i have felt in my body that I also had Fistula (its a kind of piles) from last 20 years. Directly putting baking soda in the colon with an enema will raise the pH and create an environment for pathogenic bacteria. Perhaps pancreatic enzymes would be better for you. Sircus feels all should follow to the extent they can to boost immune systems. If you keep the magnesium and potassium and selenium and zinc up along with a good multi mineral pill dose everyday the sodium will be in line and not as big a worry as some say for blood pressure. However, if you are eating the typical Western diet, high in meat, grains, sodas, and sugars that acidify the body, then you have a different problem. I have a condition called pvns. Simoncini gave the information for free to the poor people who are in. For this reason, I cannot place any scientific belief in this process. He is available to take patients via his online clinic. I put an entire box of Arm and Hammer Baking Soda up my pooper, right on the tumor. Dr. Ductal Breast cancer twice, melanoma, Mediastinal Large B Cell, Basal Cell and now Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma. Do you have a Debbie Downer in your life. Actually it is no surprise that a University of Arizona researcher received this grant because there has been cancer research going on for years there. 5 grams per kg, but that seems unreasonably high. Calcium oxalate crystals are formed when calcium binds with oxalic acid. and its gone now. I noticed in this article a comment about Aspergillus niger. Join 60,000 others in my newsletter and get a free ebook. I started taking it twice a day from last three months. I notice that Dr Sircus recomends molasses with the sodium bicarbonate. There is a considerable risk of serious adverse effects from cyanide poisoning after laetrile or amygdalin, especially after oral ingestion. Sircus to find out how to use CBD, LiveO2 and other things on his protocol that seem to be missing from your explanation. Get the pH test strips at the health store and try again. You can read about his protocol and about dosages in the ebook Treatment Essentials: Or you can choose a consultation with Dr. I just started with the Baking Soda and molasses protocol. 0 pH let the pH drop into the 6. advise for chemo which will start from 1st November 2015 again. If you have a bad breakup with a significant other, how would you feel if your friends attended. Radiation was a little rough, but I made it through. 35-7. When you lay hand on a sick is not the hand that heals but the anointing from God. I have had 5 different types of cancer 6 times. I later bought the organic Turmeric at the grocery store in the spice area and tea tree oil. Make sure you are also making dietary and lifestyle changes so the need for long term bicarbonate use is decreased. she has been taken 6 cycle chem and operation done on september 2014. treatment. Gillies and his colleagues have already demonstrated that pre-treatment of mice with baking soda results in the alkalinization of the area around tumors. I have been mixing baking soda with dmso and massaging the site. How should i go bout it and will it be beneficial. One more thing is satin drugs that i took for cholesterol, it hurt my leg, hip and back, i threw the stuff in the garbage and told my heart surgeon i wont take it. Did have chemo (6 IV) when i read about Budwig protocol i refused any radiation or pills. She has been complaining of shoulder and hip pain. Sodium bicarbonate will also help and pH needs to be checked to determine the amount needed. Hi Shimu, Its six months since you posted your comment. Baking Soda and PH Medicine The pH of our tissues and body fluids is crucial and central because it affects and mirrors the state of our health or our inner cleanliness. A friend with cystic fibrosis has trouble with the pork derived lipase in creon forte enzyme medications. The leading researcher in this field is Dr. Then I kept it wet with a bsoda solution and it turned into a scab within 48 hours and fell off a few days later leaving healthy skin. So I tried to think of ways to make it more palatable and I think Ive found the answer. As the annual January weight-loss mania approaches, you may be hearing about the ketogenic diet. Some fungi produce such large amounts of oxalic acid that they are used for commercial production of chemicals. As i am the only one to take care of her I am lil confused to what to do next. Arsenic comes not just from chicken but often from rice and rice products and from fruits or juices. Hi, I have a PSA at 450 and Metastisised. Study the chapter in the bicarbonate ebook on cautions and contraindications for sodium bicarbonate use. For questions pertaining to your own personal health issues or for specific dosing of Dr. He has many options for payment that might suit you. Hospital staff and volunteers wanted to make the holidays special for NICU babies, so they dressed. You can find what has helped some people with Gout at the EarthClinic site on Gout: Claudia French. Before I did the cure my PSA was 87 and after the Dec. While some people can take bicarbonate daily, for others there can be negative consequences. Eventually I will need a knee replacement. How chef Rocco DiSpirito lost 30 pounds: It starts with a huge breakfast. If you open a peanut, it may show some blackish area. Thank you very much for your work to mainstream medicinal baking soda. You may want to consider a short consultation with him to discuss this further. We cannot vouch for any of the sites they recommend however. How often should I Ph test, and if I am too alkaline. Prior to this medication she had felt better than she had in quite a while. This will be crucal to fending off any further cancers. Sircus or another doctor to discuss this further. Avoid diet sabotage with our guide for what to eat at holiday parties, including 12 healthy foods. Sodium bicarbonate can also be nebulized but dosages are not known. Enjoy holiday parties while sticking to your diet with our healthy holiday eating tips to prevent. My son who is 20 yrs old was diagnosed with NPC. For one thing, you talk about physical matter as having electromagnetic effects (altering pH). Health news, stories and tips that inspire healthy diets, relationships and lives. This is good and actually makes an acidic environment when short chain fatty acids are produced. (minimal change) The Medication they have him on has horrible side affects. Just to clarify, is it ok to take this twice daily long-term, or only for a. In North America no information for free and these doctors just. An acidic environment is created in the colon with a diet high in fiber and resistant starch. Sircus. Well i just wanted to share my story, and i noticed older doctors know some of this is true. My question is, will drinking a glass filtered water with a teaspoon of baking soda diluted in it, daily, help clear this arsenic from the body. If you are around animals, you may have parasites causing your cancer. Water and carrot juice is my only beverage. I dont know about you but I really hate the taste of bicarb to the point where I couldnt keep drinking it any more. Disclaimer: Nothing stated herein should be confused with medical advice, a directive, or a solicitation. You are going to need to get a consultation with Dr. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and i would try anything,as i have nothing to loose. I was wondering how you would recommend making sure that. You will have to feel your way around in terms of how much to add or decrease of the sodium bicarbonate to make a change and please allow a few days for the body to adjust. This is what I have done so far Essiac, Zeolite, Baking soda, injested food grade peroxide, eaten apricot seeds, went on a raw diet while doing these treatments, took the graviola and just about everything else that is on the cancer tutor site. If everything continues as we are, I truly hope the cancer will be gone in 53 days. Best to make the necessary life style and dietary changes to remain more alkaline. How would this method work with bad candida and leaky gut. He also has to keep his thyroid meds away from calcium-containing food as well as iron. This is a slow process, esp. Some of the things that will help remove arsenic are: increasing intake of vitamin C, iodine, selenium, sulfur containing foods, alpha lipoic acid, and even chelation under adequate supervision. Surgery seems very frightening as she has already gone through a lot and I dont want her to suffer more. I work in medicine and would like to know what is the optimal PH you would like to blood to be to treat CA. Thank you for this article, I was not aware that there is such a thing as pH medicine. Hi there, I get a lot of intestinal complaints and reflux so am looking to start taking the twice. As molasses is high in iron, why not alternate with Artemisinin from Artemesia Annua. My point was, you want to feed the probiotics in your colon with fermentable fibers and resistant starch (which are all considered prebiotics). And how do you check the PH level. Also 10 days or 20 days is a short period of time and the tests may show activity from the past as well as the day of the test for your cancer. If not, is there anything else you can recommend. She had cancer coz she was addict to tobacco and beetle nut and a kind of green leaf which they use it altogether for chewing, she has been taking this for as long as 25-30 years. My recommendation for daily drinking water pH is about 7. I want to start with the baking soda therapy.

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