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Gray seal diet -

21-12-2016 à 21:17:06
Gray seal diet
Such colonies include one on the Carrack rocks in Cornwall. The males are almost twice as large as the females. Cow (l) and bull (r) gray seals mating, Donna Nook, Lincolnshire, U. balticus. macrorhynchus and H. g. Some of the larger ones have even been known to consume octopus and lobster. In the spring recently weaned pups and yearlings occasionally strand on beaches after becoming separated from their group. In the Western North Atlantic, the grey seal is typically found in large numbers in the coastal waters of Canada and south to about New Jersey in the United States. They tend to consume around 10 pounds of food per day when they feed as adults. This is a medium sized seal when it is full grown. During the winter months grey seals can be seen hauled out on rocks, islands, and shoals not far from shore, occasionally coming ashore to rest. After near extirpation from hunting grey seals for oil, meat and skins in the United States, sightings began to increase in the late 1980s. Sand eels ( Ammodytes spp ) are important in its diet in many localities. The largest colony in the world is at Sable Island, NS. You will find the Gray Seal has many locations out there that it calls home. K. There are some spots along the body but they tend to fade as they get older. For the Elton John song, see Grey Seal (song). In the United Kingdom and Ireland, the grey seal breeds in several colonies on and around the coasts. It is the only species classified in the genus Halichoerus.

Group of grey seals on sands at Stiffkey, Norfolk. Besides these very large colonies, many much smaller ones exist, some of which are well known as tourist attractions despite their small size. g. They feed in cold current waters so that is a necessity. During the mating season they can fast for weeks at a time by living on the blubber that they have built up. Males are generally darker than females, with lighter patches and often scarring around the neck. Females are silver grey to brown with dark patches. It is found along the North Atlantic Ocean on both sides of it. The Gray Seal is one that many people have seen in pictures. They also have nostrils that are spread very far apart on their face. Captive grey seal being fed, showing snout shape. In Canada, it is typically seen in areas such as the Gulf of St. Halichoerus grypus grypus (Baltic Sea), earlier known as H. This allows them to grow rapidly as well as to build up their own layers of blubber very early on. The time of year when the pups are born depends on where they live. They will also consume herring and eels if they come across them in the water. Others can be found living in colder regions where they climb out of the water to relax on sheets of ice. Similar wounds on the carcasses of pups found elsewhere in the region suggest that cannibalism and infanticide may not be uncommon in grey seals. The females dig areas and find out of the way locations to prepare for the birth of their pup. They can range in color from a medium brown to a very dark gray. The Gray Seal feeds on a variety of different types of fish that live in the water.

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